Welcome to the SERC Elmer

An Elmer is a radio mentor, a big brother,, someone who helps you become an experienced ham. Hopefully you will find some useful information here!
Your Elmer is a never ending WIP… If you have something to contribute, or would like to see a topic covered please let W2DEN know. We would love to have others add their input to this section of the SERC web site.

Your Elmer is divided into topics or categories. The list of “Elmer Topics” is available on the right sidebar of most pages.

A table of contents sorted by topic can be found by clicking the “Your Elmer” link in the “Navigation” list in the left sidebar.

  • Topics are underlined and will display all of the articles in that topic when clicked.
  • Individual articles are not underlined and will display only that information when clicked.

Stay tuned.