This post will describe the circuit and code to make a simple GPS receiver. This will be the core of the GPS Tracker.

Teensy 3.1 GPS Receiver v.0.4
Breadboard Setup:
- Plug the Teensy into the lower numbered end of the breadboard as shown.
- Using short jumpers connect the Teensy GND pin to the “-” rail on the breadboard and the Vin to the “+” rail of the breadboard. You can add jumpers to connect the + rails on each side and the – rails. be sure not to cross them.
- The GPS module does not fit into the breadboard. Solder 4 wires onto the GPS units VCC, GND, TXD and RXD pins. These will be used to connect the GPS to the breadboard.
- Plug the TFT display into the breadboard as shown.
Refer to the “Welcome to Teensy 3.1” card that came with your Teensy or follow this link to a similar diagram online.
- GND to breadboard “-” rail.
- VCC to breadboard “+” rail.
- RXD to Teensy TX1.
- TXD to Teensy RX1.
TFT Display:
Looking at display side of the TFT with the pins on the bottom the pins are labeled from left to right:
Teensy | Vin1 | GND1 | D102 | 3.3V | D9 | D11 | D14 | VIN3 | D12 |
- connect to breadboard + and – rails.
- The Teensy digital pins (Dx) are labeled in grey on the “Welcome” card with D0 starting next to the GND pin.
- TFT Pin LED connects to the Breadboard “+” rail via a 100 ohm resistor.
- SCK moved to D14 to free D13 for PTT on the APRS Tracker
Loading the sketch:
- Open a new sketch in Teensyduino: File New.
- Delete the new file’s content so it is empty.
- ********************************************************************************************
- ************* the Github is a WIP, link will be fixed ASAP ************************************
- Open the W2DEN_GPS_vx.x on my GitHub site ( ).
- Copy the entire contents of the file and paste it into the new Teensyduino file you just created.
- Compile and load into your Teensy.
If you have everything set up correctly the file should compile, load into the Teensy. The display should light up and in a minute or two display the GPS data similar to the picture above. (Note: recent updates have changed the display format slightly, your s will be similar.)
Pour yourself a tall cold one, if you made it this far you deserve it. It took me about 3 weeks to get this far…. I hope, with these instructions, you can get this running in a few hours.
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